A downloadable game for Windows

This is my Wireframe Build.  It has been created through many different components of mechanics: 

1. Player Movement  - ( State Handler, Ground Check, Jumping, Crouching, Move Player, Head-bobbing) 

2. Interactions - (Handle Interaction Check, Handle Interaction Input, Inventory Handler 5 Featured Classes, NPC Interactable, NPC Interactables Base, Dialogue Input, Dialogue Manager, Door Interactable, Interactable Base, 

3. Resources - (Apply Damage, Kill Player, Regenerate Health, Increase Health) Handle Stamina, Regenerate Stamina, Increase Stamina, XP Manager - Add XP / Level Up )

4. Inventory and Items (Item, tem Pick Up, Inventory, Inventory Slot, Inventory UI) 

5. Audio (Audio Manager, Footsteps )

6. UI (Responsive UI control)

1. Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HYWHXobjweBT2i6NGsPkYn_9pspWH_kg/edit

2. Flowcharts: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EZY-6S4TgdjD34tkVPd0HbFMLVUlwJes?usp=sha...

3. Script: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EZY-6S4TgdjD34tkVPd0HbFMLVUlwJes?usp=sha...

4. Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1NkCuKVDqB2Io19PZ6RrRKWfvvkiZs6zaw9mFaPGxcrU/edi...


Wireframe Demo Build.rar 33 MB

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